Billing Arrangements

  • From 31st January 2022 your doctors will be conducting mixed billing.
  • Children under 16, Pensioner concession card holders, Health Care Card holders and DVA card holders will continue to be Bulk-billed.
  • Mental Health care plans and chronic disease care plans will continue to be bulk-billed
  • All other patients will incur a private fee from your doctor.  The standard fees provided by your doctors and Medicare rebates are listed under the FEES tab.
  • All overseas visitors/students without a Medicare card will be privately billed by your doctor.
  • Your doctors will privately bill all telehealth consultations.
  • Certain services within the practice may also incur a fee e.g. Procedures, bandages, travel vaccines.  These fees are at the discretion of your doctor.  Please check with reception and ask your doctor for a more detailed outline.
  • Your doctors will privately bill all Workcover consultations.

Appointments with your doctor

Your doctors operate on an appointment system and the standard appointment time is 10 mins. Your doctors prioritise urgent cases/emergencies first as they arise and this may create an extended waiting time. If there are several problems that need to be  discussed or you have a more complex appointment please advise the booking receptionist so an appropriate time can be allocated.


Standard pathology results are usually available 3 days after having the test.

If your result is outside the normal range, but not urgent, you will receive a text message or notification via Hotdoc. If we do not have a mobile number on file, you will be sent a letter or will be called by reception.  You will need to make an appointment with your doctor to obtain the results.

If your routine test result is within the normal range, you will not be contacted.  Pathology reports will be available to access via your My Health Record 7 days after upload.  You will be able to see the report in your record but won’t be open the report during this 7-day period. My health records is accessed via your myGOV log in and please note that not all pathology or radiology are actively uploading their results yet.

All patients are encouraged to make a review appointment to follow up and discuss your test results with your usual doctor.  Patients are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their health, thus it is your responsibility to obtain your results.

Please ensure that you keep your contact details up to date with Jindalee Care Medical Practice.

Results are not given over the phone

Reception staff members do not have access to patient medical records.

Phone Messages

Telephone interruptions to your doctors are only for emergencies. However if you would like to leave a message with the receptionist, we will endeavour to arrange the doctor to return your call.


As your doctors are committed to your care, it is necessary for their patients to make appointments in order to have prescriptions written, irrespective of whether the prescription is part of an ongoing treatment. There are medical, ethical and legal reasons for not providing prescriptions without having a doctor-patient consultation.  Your doctor will require an appointment with you to re-issue misplaced scripts.

After Hours Care

Your doctors consulting from the practice are linked to the National Home Doctor Service to provide their patients access to a home visit service after consulting hours. Details of these visits are conveyed to us to ensure optimum continuity of care.  Alternatively,  you can present to your local hospital.

Please call 13SICK (137425).


All routine childhood, adult and travel vaccinations are available. Our practice is certified to give Yellow Fever vaccine. Travel to some countries may involve complex vaccinations schedules. It is recommended to see your doctor at least 6 weeks prior to departure. When booking appointments for vaccine please advise the booking receptionist so the correct time can be allocated with your doctor.


A consultation is required for all specialist referrals. This enables your doctor to provide the specialist with the current details of your medical condition. Referrals are valid for 12 months and it is illegal to backdate a referral, so please make an appointment to see your doctor prior to seeing the specialist. To obtain any pathology or radiology referrals an appointment with your doctor is required.  Referrals that are misplaced or are required to be re-issued will require an appointment with your doctor.

Chronic Disease Management

Your doctors can suggest the government Medicare funded chronic health management plans available for thier regular patients to assist with a chronic health or a serious medical condition. These include Diabetes, Asthma, Heart attacks / failure, Chronic Musculoskeletal conditions and many others. Please make an appointment with your doctor to see if you are eligible to access allied health care funded by Medicare. These include dietician, exercise physiologist, physiotherapist and many others.

Workers Compensation

Fees arising from workers compensation consultations with your doctor are the responsibility of the patient. If you are entitled to work cover insurance, the account for the consultation can be sent directly to the work cover insurance after all the correct forms are completed by the patient and his/her employer.


Many minor surgical (e.g. Mole and wart removal, fracture treatment, hormone implants) procedures are performed by your doctors consulting from the practice. A consultation with your doctor is required before an appointment can be made for the procedure.


We participate in recalls and reminders for abnormal test results, pap smears, Depo injections, vaccinations, health assessments and other health care areas. For further information on these please discuss with your doctor.

Transfer of Medical Records

If you wish to transfer your health record to another doctor, please ask your new doctor to send a transfer application form signed by you. Alternatively if you would like Jindalee Care Medical Practice to obtain records from another doctor please contact reception for a transfer application. Applications for the transfer of health records will be processed in 30 days of receiving the request. A transfer fee will apply.

Management of your Personal Health Information

Complete family health care

Address: 2/6 Pavilions Close, Jindalee QLD 4074

Phone: 3715 7900

Fax: 3715 7922

Email: [email protected]


Address: 2/6 Pavilions Close, Jindalee QLD 4074

Phone: 3715 6977

Opening Hours

Mon – Thurs 8.00am – 6.00pm

Friday 7:30am – 5.00pm

Saturday 8.00am – 12:30pm

Sunday / Public Holidays  Closed

Contact Us Today

On-Site Pathology

We have a S&N Pathology centre on-site.

Address: 2/6 Pavilions Close, Jindalee QLD 4074

Phone: 3715 7900

Fax: 3715 7922

Email: [email protected]