Vasectomy Clinic

We are pleased to introduce Dr Mahi Ranasinghe, a Senior General Surgeon and a Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He graduated in 1993 and has been working in Australia since 2002. He has wide experience in all aspects of general surgery. He is also credentialed as an upper and lower gastrointestinal and endoscopist.

Dr Ranasinghe consults at Jindalee Care Medical Practice in additional to his current commitments at Sunnybank Private Hospital and Mater Private Hospital-Redlands. He will be conducting a Vasectomy Clinic from Jindalee Care Medical Practice.

Vasectomy is a simple procedure that usually takes less than 20 minutes.  Vasectomy should not be stressful and does not require a general anaesthetic, with the patient able to talk comfortably throughout the vasectomy.

A consultation will need to be booked with your regular GP to obtain a referral to the specialist.  Dr Ranasinghe will  bulk-bill if you see your GP consulting from Jindalee Care Medical Practice for the referral.

An initial consultation with Dr Ranasinghe will always be required for discussion and an explanation of the vasectomy as well as examination and the provision of a consent form.  Dr Ranasinghe’s fee for this initial consultation will be $150.00. This fee attracts a Medicare rebate of $75.00.  The initial consultation and the vasectomy are not on the same day to allow time for consideration.

The appointment for the vasectomy attracts an out-of-pocket expense of $195.00, which is payable on the day of the procedure.

For further information or to make an appointment, please call our reception staff on 3715 7900

Complete family health care

Address: 2/6 Pavilions Close, Jindalee QLD 4074

Phone: 3715 7900

Fax: 3715 7922

Email: [email protected]


Address: 2/6 Pavilions Close, Jindalee QLD 4074

Phone: 3715 6977

Opening Hours

Mon – Thurs 8.00am – 6.00pm

Friday 7:30am – 5.00pm

Saturday 8.00am – 12:30pm

Sunday / Public Holidays  Closed

Contact Us Today

On-Site Pathology

We have a S&N Pathology centre on-site.

Address: 2/6 Pavilions Close, Jindalee QLD 4074

Phone: 3715 7900

Fax: 3715 7922

Email: [email protected]